15 Therapeutic Communication Techniques

Each client is not the same as that required by the application of different communication techniques. The following communication techniques, particularly the use of reference Shives (1994), Stuart & Sundeen (1950) and Wilson & Kneisl (1920), namely:

1. Listened attentively.

Trying to listen to clients convey non-verbal messages that nurses attention to client's needs and problems. Listening attentively is an attempt to understand the entire message verbal and non-verbal was communicated. Full attention to listening skills is to:
  • View client while talking.
  • Maintain eye contact which emits a desire to listen.
  • Posture showed concern, with no legs or arms crossed.
  • Avoid unnecessary movement.
  • Nod of the head, if the client is urgently or require feedback.
  • Lean toward the speaker.

2. Indicate acceptance.

Receiving no means approve. Receiving means willing to listen to others without showing any doubt or disagree. Of course as a nurse, we do not have to accept all client behavior. Nurses should avoid facial expressions and body movements that indicate not agree, such as frowning or shaking his head as if in disbelief. The following shows the attitude of nurses who shook his head as if in disbelief. The following shows the attitude of nurses who
  • Listening without breaking the conversation.
  • Provide verbal feedback that showed understanding.
  • Ensuring that non-verbal cues matched with verbal communication.
  • Avoiding to debate, express doubts, or try to change the client's mind. Nurses can nod your head or say "yes", "I follow what you say."

3. Asking questions related.

The goal is to get the nurse asked specific information about the client. It is best when the question related to the topic and use the words in the context of socio-cultural clients. During the assessment ask questions in sequence.

4. Repeating greeting clients by using their own words.

By repeating the greeting clients, nurses provide feedback so that the client knows that the message is understood and expected to continue communication. However, nurses must be careful when using this method, because it can be ambiguous sense if re pronunciation has a different meaning.

5. Clarification.

In case of misunderstanding, nurses need to stop equating talks to clarify the understanding, because the information is very important in providing nursing care. In order to get the correct message, the nurse needs to provide concrete examples and easy to understand client.

6. Focusing.

This method is done with the aim of limiting the subject so that more specific and understandable. Nurses are not supposed to break the client talks when delivering an important issue, but if the conversation continues without new information.

7. Present the results of observations.

Nurses need to provide feedback and promptness feedback, otherwise it will cause bad feelings. Silence allows clients to communicate with himself, organizing thoughts, and process information. Silence allows clients to communicate with himself, organizing thoughts, and process information. Silence is especially useful when the client must make a decision.

8. Summarizing.

Summarizing is a repetition of the main ideas that have been communicated briefly. This method is useful to help topic that has been discussed before proceeding to the next conversation. Summarizing the discussion helps nurses to repeat an important aspect of the interaction, so as to continue the conversation with topics relating.

9. Giving award.

Greets clients by name, indicates an awareness of the changes that occur to appreciate the client as a whole person who has the right and responsibility of himself as an individual. The award is not to be a burden to him, within the meaning of the client not to try hard and do everything to get praise or approval for his actions. Nor is it intended to imply that these "good" and otherwise "bad".

10. Offered.

The client may not be ready to communicate verbally with others or the client is unable to make himself understood. Often nurses only offer presence, a sense of interest, these communication techniques should be done unconditionally.

11. Starting talks.

Provide an opportunity for the client to take the initiative in choosing a topic. Let the clients who feel hesitant and uncertain about the interaction perannanya in the nurse can stimulate them to take the initiative and felt that he was expected to open talks.

12. Advise to continue the conversation.

This technique encourages clients to drive almost the entire conversation that indicates that the client was following what is being talked about and interested in what will be discussed later. Nurses were trying to interpret from the direct discussion / conversation.

13. Putting events on a regular basis will help the nurse and the client to see it in perspective.

Continuation of an event on a regular basis will help the nurse and the client to see it in perspective. Continuation of an event on a regular basis will help the nurse and the client to see the next events as a result of the first incident. The aircraft will be able to determine the pattern of interpersonal difficulty and provide data about the experience satisfying and meaningful to clients in meeting their needs.

14. Encourage clients to decipher perceptions.

If nurses want to understand the client, then he should look at all the real from the perspective of the client. Clients should feel free to elaborate on his perception to the nurse. When told of his experience, the nurse must be aware of the onset of symptoms of anxiety.

15. Reflection.

Reflection encourages the client to express and receive ideas and feelings as part of itself. If a client asks what he should do or think and feel then the nurse can answer: "What do you think?" Or "How do you feel?". Thus nurses indicated that the opinion is valuable client and the client has the right to be able to do so, then he will think that he is a man who has the capacity and capability as an integrated individual and not as part of another person.
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