6 Effective Verbal Communication

The most common types of communication used in nursing care in hospitals is a verbal exchange of information, especially face-to-face conversation.

Verbal communication is usually more accurate and timely. Words are the tools or symbols used to express ideas or feelings, evoke an emotional response, or outlines of objects, observation and memory. Often also to convey a hidden meaning, and test the person's interest. Advantage in face-to-face verbal communication which allows each individual to respond directly.

Effective Verbal Communication must:

1. Clear and concise.

Effective communication should be simple, short and direct. The fewer words used the less the likelihood of confusion. Clarity can be achieved by speaking slowly and clearly pronounce. The use of examples could make the explanation easier to understand. Re an important part of the message delivered. Receipt of the message needs to know what, why, how, when, who and where. Brief, using words that express a simple idea.

Example: "Tell me where your pain" better than "I want you to describe to me a part that you feel bad."

2. Vocabulary.

Communication will not be successful, if the sender of the message is not able to translate words and sayings. Many of the technical terms used in nursing and medicine, and if it is used by the nurse, the client may become confused and unable to follow directions or to learn important information. Say the message with the terms understood by the client. Instead of saying "Sit, while I was going to auscultation of the lungs" would be better to say "Sit down, while I listen to your lungs."

3. Denotative and connotative meaning.

Denotative meaning gives the same sense of the word used, while the connotative meaning is thoughts, feelings or ideas contained in a word. Seriously said client understood as a condition of near death, but the nurse will use a critical word to describe the state of near-death. When communicating with the client, the nurse should carefully choose the words that are not easy to mistakenly interpret, particularly important when explaining the purpose of the therapy, therapy and client conditions.

4. Pause and a chance to speak.

The speed and tempo of speech right, also determine the success of verbal communication. Long pause and a quick diversion to another subject might give the impression that the nurse was hiding something on the client. Nurses should not speak so quickly that the words are not clear. Pause should be used to emphasize certain things, giving the listener time to listen and understand the meaning of the word. Pause right to do denganmemikirkan what to say before I say it, listen to nonverbal cues from a listener who might show. Nurses can also ask the listener if he talks too slow or too fast and need to be repeated.

5. Time and relevance.

The right time is very important to get the message. When a client is crying in pain, no time to explain the operation risk. Despite spoken message clearly and concisely, but not the right time to block the receipt of the message accurately. Therefore, nurses should be sensitive to the timeliness of communication. Similarly, verbal communication would be more meaningful if the message relating to the interests and needs of the client.

6. Humor.

Dugan (1989) says that laughter helps reduce tension and pain caused by stress, and improve the success of nurses in providing emotional support to the client. Sullivan and Deane (1988) reported that humor stimulates the production of catecholamines and hormones that induce a feeling healthy, increase tolerance to pain, reduce anxiety, breathing relaxation and facilitate the use of humor to mask her fear and discomfort or cover up its inability to communicate with clients.
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