Psychosocial Perspectives Regarding Paranoid Personality Disorder

Nursing Care Plan for Paranoid Personality Disorder
Nursing Care Plan

Individuals with paranoid personality disorder generally characterized by a strong suspicion and distrust of others. They are also filled with unwarranted doubt on the loyalty of others or that other person is trustworthy.

People who have this disorder feel themselves treated wrong and exploited by others that behave always on the lookout for others.
They are often rude and short-tempered against what they perceive as an insult. Such individuals are reluctant to trust others and tend to blame them and hold a grudge even if he himself is also wrong. They are very jealous and can be questioned without reason loyalty partner.

Individuals with this disorder are not able to get emotionally involved and keep a distance with other people, they are not warm. Paranoid personality disorder is most prevalent in men than women. This disorder is widely experienced in conjunction with schizotipal personality disorder, borderline, and avoidant.
The prevalence of this disorder is around 2 percent of the population in general.

Paranoid disorders have differences with the diagnosis of schizophrenia, paranoid disorder because the symptoms do not appear hallucinations and delusions. The difference with borderline disorder is paranoid disorder is more difficult to establish relationships with others. While the difference with antisocial disorders are paranoid does not have a history of antisocial. The difference with this disorder schizoid is not having paranoid ideas or do not have suspicions.

Psychosocial Perspectives Regarding Paranoid Disorder

a) Psychodynamic

Freud believed in his research, that projection is the central mechanism of the paranoid mind. Described as paranoid delusions on the development of the consequences of refusal of libido against homosexual object, followed by regression to the narcissistic stage in libidinal development. The second defense mechanism that evolved in the vicious circle they created was the isolation, ie maintaining distance psychologically and geographically. Besides this inidividu also use rationalization and displacement.

Psychodynamic view of contemporary developments expressed paranoid personality is a result of the treatment of abuse at an early age. While normal people learn to trust in early development, learning even paranoid mistrust. Hypothesis "Freud" has been generalized, namely paranoid does not affect the hidden homosexual desire, but misses the warmth of the parents with the same sex, torturers (abuser) they are, most often a father.

Akhtar (millon, 452) explained over and cover aspects of the paranoid personality. In the area of self consep, on aspects of paranoid over looks arrogant, always feel right, and irritable. In the aspect of the cover, they were afraid, inferior, filled with doubt and guilt. In interpersonal relationships, as they look over can not be trusted, does not have a sense of humor, likes to accuse, and cold. On the cover, they are very sensitive, naive, fear of power and authority, and vindictive. In the area of social adaptation, they are diligent, enthusiastic and successful while working in their own way. On the cover, they often have interpersonal problems, bringing personal issues into the workplace, and are less able to work together as a team. In the area of ​​romance and sexuality, they do not look romantic, sexual humor and gossip rejected. On the cover, they meregukan their sexual performance, and may have sadomasochistic tendencies.

b) Behavioral

In early life, they see the model on authority figures, then they become independent and follow the rules carefully. As a result of the rigidity of their conformity to the environment, then they become less spontaneous and initiative, so it can not form deep relationships, and open, and feel hesitant and scared of the things that they see themselves not know. In addition, when a small possibility of torture or humiliation suffered by the guardians, are victims of other people's resentment, or the caregiver becomes paranoid models (eg, used to say "You should not trust others).

c) Cognitive

Cognitively, paranoid people have in common with personality konpulsive. The main cognitive problems in people paranoid is not a perception but interpretations. Basic incoming stimulus is equal to normal people, but the information is processed with firmness in the identification of the plot, the restriction of ideas, and critical. Paranoid way of thinking is different from normal people, they have their own criteria to achieve a goal.

d) Interpersonal

Based sullivan statement, there are two conditions for the development of the sloping paranoid. The first is the intense insecurity related to inferiority. Both are blaming others. By reacting as if all people are the enemy, paranoid people find a safe position and their autonomy, and protect themselves against outside influences. To create a safe world for them, the paranoid creating interpersonal character to attack, security protection, and establish formal relationships with other people but still avoid the attachement and dependence. Paranoid want to trust other people, but very afraid of being hurt by the betrayal.
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