Premenopause is the period in which the body begins to transition to menopause. This period can last from two to eight years, plus one year at the end of the period leading to menopause. This symptom is natural, because it is a sign and process of stopping the reproductive period.
In this period, generally the level of production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone fluctuates, rises and falls irregularly. Menstrual cycles can suddenly lengthen or shorten. Usually, this premenopause period occurs in their 40s, but many also experience these changes when they are still in their mid-30s.
In relation to the age factor, the capacity for reproduction that takes place during menstruation or the first menstruation still continues regularly. With the cessation of this function will also end the function of service, devotion, and the preservation of the human species. Because with the end of menstruation, the process of ovulation or fertilization of the egg also stops because of it. Then all the glandular apparatus experience obstacles and reduce their activity. In addition, the genital organs also undergo an atrophic process, which is to become shriveled and function backwards. Finally, all parts of the body gradually show signs of aging. This phase in women is called menopause (Kartini Kartono, 2007).
Some women who experience premenopause think this condition is part of their life cycle, but many women complain that with the arrival of premenopause they will become anxious because premenopausal syndrome is often associated with anxiety in dealing with a situation that was previously unworried. This condition is because women who face premenopause generally do not get the correct information or knowledge so that what they imagine is the negative effects that will be experienced after entering the premenopause and menopause periods.
Premenopausal syndrome is experienced by many women almost all over the world.
To find out the symptoms of premenopausal syndrome and get rid of anxiety and worries when entering the premenopausal period is to recognize the signs of premenopausal syndrome as early as possible. Living a healthy life by consuming healthy food, drinks, regular exercise and adequate rest, is the capital for a pleasant menopause period, besides that, it is necessary to have a Pap smear, colposcopy, breast self-examination, mammography, colon cancer examination, laboratory tests, osteoporosis tests. (Proverawati, 2010)
Based on Larasati's research (2012), in some cases women who experience menopause begin to withdraw from social interactions because they feel they have no value and feel useless. Such as limiting social interaction with friends and family. They prefer to be alone away from the crowd. Women who experience menopause will need family and closest friends as support so they are not inferior in adapting to their environment. In addition, there is motivation from him to live his life with enthusiasm (good quality of life), to become a good quality of life that needs to be done, namely maintaining health by eating vegetables, consuming vitamins and exercising, regulating sleep patterns of at least 8 hours per day, reducing heavy work and do light things, and reduce emotions so as not to get angry easily. While Notoatmodjo (2007) knowledge that a person has influences his behavior, the better a person's knowledge, the better his behavior will be and knowledge itself is influenced by the level of education, sources of information and experience.
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