15 Therapeutic Communication Techniques 0 Comments Each client is not the same as that required by the application of different communication techniques. The following communication techniq...
6 Non-verbal Communication Techniques 0 Comments Non-verbal communication is the transfer of a message without using words. Is the surest way to convey the message to others. Nurses need ...
6 Effective Verbal Communication 0 Comments The most common types of communication used in nursing care in hospitals is a verbal exchange of information, especially face-to-face conv...
Neuropathology and Neuropsychology Examination for Alzheimer's Disease 0 Comments In the diagnostic examination on the client with Alzheimer's Disease; Neuropathology and Neuropsychology Examination. 1. Neuropathol...
Pulmonary Tuberculosis - 4 Nursing Diagnosis, Interventions and Rationale 5 Comments Nursing Diagnosis for Pulmonary Tuberculosis 1. Impaired Gas Exchange related to the presence of risk factors: Reduced the effectivene...
Nursing Care Plan for Ineffective Thermoregulation 1 Comments Definition of Thermoregulation Thermoregulation is a physiological regulation of the human body, the balance of heat production and heat...
Nursing Diagnosis for Atopic Dermatitis 2 Comments Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin inflammation state, and recurrent, accompanied by itching, which is associated with atopy. The word ...
Risk for Infection - NCP for Typhoid Fever 0 Comments Nursing Care Plan for for Typhoid Fever Definition Typhoid fever or abdominal thypus is an acute infectious disease of the small inte...